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The Most Common Basketball Injuries And How To Prevent Them

Spectators watching a basketball game may find it difficult to follow the action. The players move so quickly up and down the court, you can get whiplash as you watch — so imagine how those players feel! No wonder there are so many injuries. Let’s look at the most common basketball injuries and how to prevent them.

March Madness In Multiple Ways

As Spring approaches, weekend warriors, high school athletes, and professional basketball players jump into high gear and compete. College sports focuses on March Madness and finding the best college team in the nation.

Imagine the stress on ankles, knees, and other vulnerable joints and body parts. It’s a tradition and nothing will stop it.

Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains seem to be one of the most common injuries from high school to pros. Rolling, twisting, or turning an ankle in an abnormal way is the culprit. When scrambling for the ball or getting hit by another player, the result can be a torn ligament.


Using proper equipment and footwear is the best way to prevent an ankle injury. Find shoes that support the ankle including braces or tape if you are prone to this type of injury.

Knee Injuries

Basketball players stop, start, and pivot multiple times in a game. This can make the ligaments in the knee vulnerable to injury. An injury to the anterior cruciate ligament can be quite serious and limit play for up to a year. This occurs when landing hard or with a direction change.


Flexibility and preparation are most important. Strengthen the muscles in your legs and it will build better support and balance. Always stretch before any activity and invest in a good knee brace.

Jammed Fingers

Contact with the ball at the tips or end of a finger causes swelling and pain in a finger joint.


Be aware. Keep your eyes on the ball when receiving a pass. Looking away before you catch it, and you end up with a jammed finger.

Hip And Thigh Bruises

Running, jumping, pivoting, and rebounding all leave you susceptible to a number of injuries. A deep thigh bruise or contusion is common in basketball. It happens when an elbow or knee strikes your thigh muscle.


This is a difficult one to prevent due to the speed of the game. Compression sleeves and shorts with padding can lessen the effect of an injury. Stretching is the best prevention. The more flexible your muscles and tendons are, you are less likely to overextend. Stretch out your hips when warming up.

Contact OrthoNY at (518) 489-2663, or request an appointment online, if you have sustained a basketball injury or want additional tips for preventing them in the future.